IC410 The Tadpoles in HA
The Tadpoles (IC410) is a great target that i have to revisit at some point to add OIII & SII data and possibly combine into a great mosaic with IC405 :D
The nebula known as IC 410 is home to a pair of intriguing structures popularly known as the "tadpoles." These are clumps of gas and dust left over from the formation of the cluster, and are likely forming yet new stars within them. The tails of the tadpoles are caused by the radiation pressure and solar wind from the stars of NGC 1893.
SBIG 8300M
HEQ5 Pro
Guiding camera: QHY CCD QHY5 mono
Filters used: Baader HA
Starlight Xpress Starlight Xpress FW 5*2"
Resolution: 4280x3209
Baader 7nm Ha 2'': 22x1200" -5C bin 1x1
Integration: 7.3 hours
Darks: ~50
Flats: ~20
Bias: ~300
Avg. Moon age: 4.23 days
Avg. Moon phase: 18.89%
Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 9.00
Mean FWHM: 2.40
Temperature: 24.00
Pixel scale: 2.133 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 1.191 degrees
Locations: Home obs, Athens, Greece
Dates: Sept. 18, 2015
Projection origin.. [2140.008203 1604.516422]pix -> [RA:+05 23 42.17 Dec:+33 25 09.56]
Resolution ........ 1.639 arcsec/pix
Rotation .......... 176.065 deg
Focal ............. 679.58 mm
Pixel size ........ 5.40 um
Field of view ..... 1d 56' 54.9" x 1d 27' 39.6"
Image center ...... RA: 05 23 42.167 Dec: +33 25 09.53
Image bounds:
top-left ....... RA: 05 19 19.540 Dec: +32 37 08.57
top-right ...... RA: 05 28 33.814 Dec: +32 45 05.45
bottom-left .... RA: 05 18 46.040 Dec: +34 04 30.31
bottom-right ... RA: 05 28 09.650 Dec: +34 12 35.27
Captured with Main Sequence Software SequenceGeneratorPro
Processed in PixInsight